The fast-food industry comes in for a lot of criticism, but it’s not without its merits. For one thing, it’s delicious and has something that appeals to all tastes. Even health-conscious people can’t resist the occasional burger or pizza. It’s also affordable and, of course, it’s very convenient. All around the world, fast-food restaurants do brisk business, partly from people who want a quick meal without having to wait for a table and for their meal to be cooked.
The fast-food industry in general is also taking steps to improve its image and provide more nutritious, healthy food. Regardless, the fast-food industry looks set to stay and it presents very good investment opportunities.
Fast Food Franchises: Facts
The fast-food market is one of the most lucrative sectors of the food industry. The UK fast food market is worth an estimated £15 billion and is expected to be worth £9.8 billion by 2021. Despite fluctuations in the economy, the fast-food market continues to perform well and is a thriving industry whatever the business climate. With many fast food outlets now offering delivery service and takeaway options, this further opens up the market to potential investors who want to capitalise on the lucrative opportunity. It is estimated that Britons will spend 22% more on takeaway deliveries in 2020 than in previous years.
Why a Franchise?
Branded fast-food restaurants dominate the market share of the fast-food industry. As per a UK industry report, traditional branded restaurants in 2018 were worth £4.9 billion, while fast-food restaurants that had a focus on delivery brought in more than £2 billion.
As part of a franchise, you have the extra advantage of joining a well-known company that has an established brand and footing in the industry. With an already existing customer base, you are guaranteed to operate a successful business.
This gives franchise owners a distinct advantage over fledgeling independent company owners. New businesses without an existing customer base will often struggle to attract enough business meaning many will ultimately end up closing down. People will often have favourite fast food restaurants, often with a favourite meal in particular, making them more likely to go there over another restaurant they’ve not been to before.
As an ever-expanding and diverse industry, fast food franchises benefit from the assistance and support of the parent company that has the knowledge and expertise to guide them through a competitive market. There’s also the huge marketing machine of the parent company that helps give franchises a boost. One of the many attractive aspects of opening a food franchise is the sheer volume of selection that is available to investors: burger franchises, pizza franchises,fried chicken franchise.....the list goes on.
With fast-food franchises, investors have the opportunity to open single-unit or multi-unit businesses and grow multiple chains which lead to greater financial profit. It’s an opportunity to get into owning your own business at an affordable level, with the potential of growing your very own business empire.
Fast-Food Franchises and Their Health Image
Although people are now more health-conscious than ever, the fast-food industry shows no sign of slowing down. Some of the most recognisable franchises in the world are fast-food chains such as McDonald's, KFC, Subway and Papa John’s. These franchises have thousands of units across the UK and generate millions of pounds in revenue every year. They have even made changes in their menus to increase the number of healthier and meat-free options to widen their customer base and appeal to vegetarians and vegans.
Camille Thai Kitchen is a prime example of a fast food, online delivery restaurant chain that is both capitalizing on the growing takeaway market and providing their customers with healthy and tasty options.
A recent study identified that apps account for nearly 40% of takeaways and fast food deliveries, indicating that the trend for fast food deliveries is growing in demand and is likely to increase over the next few years.
Potential Revenue Streams
One reason why so many fast-food restaurants are successful is that they get to tap into a variety of revenue streams. One of the largest revenue streams is footfall – passers-by who just pop in for something to eat while they are shopping, or in the area for another reason. Depending on their location, many fast-food restaurants will also get to take advantage of events such as gigs or sporting occasions in the area. Some fast-food restaurants are ideally located at motorway service centres where hungry motorists and passengers need to get some food as they continue on their journeys.
There are also deliveries to take into account. It’s not only pizza restaurants that deliver and many other types of fast food restaurants will also deliver to homes, offices, events, or anywhere else that puts in an order. The orders can also sometimes be large, particularly if the order is for a party or even a work function. Overall, the potential revenue streams available to fast-food restaurants help make it more likely they will get enough business to stay in the black – and even make very impressive profits.
Is it for You?
A fast-food restaurant can be a very busy, often hectic, environment. The orders can be coming thick and fast with everybody involved having to work non-stop to keep up.
It’s not an environment for everybody, but it is an environment that some people will thrive in.
While a fast-food franchise can be a very hands-on opportunity, it’s also suitable for people who prefer to stick to the management side of things. It’s also a great opportunity for people who love to work with other people, and for those who want to be their own boss and set their own timetable.