Everywhere you look, the plant-based revolution is evident - from supermarket shelves to the menus of your favourite restaurants: the age of the vegan has finally dawned.
There was a time - not that long ago - where very few businesses knew how to cater to the vegan diet. It was a lettuce leaf and a glass of water if you were lucky; to find a vegan menu in a restaurant was literally unheard of.
Thankfully the world is slowly warming to the delicious delights of a plant-based diet.
But veganism isn’t just about food - it’s a whole way of life. So, if your passion is for plant-based alternatives to leather, fashion, and beauty products, then our vegan franchises will help transform your desire for a better planet into a satisfying career.
And, of course, vegan products aren't just for vegans. You can be a fully paid-up carnivore - chomping away on a chicken drumstick - and still care enough about our furry brethren to want to minimise animal testing and the impacts of intensive farming.
Vegan franchises offer the chance of a cleaner, greener planet. And who doesn’t want that?
Sure, you'll have to prepare yourself for all the usual vegan jokes (how can you tell someone's a vegan? They'll tell you!); but you know better. You know that plant-based is the only way we're going to save this beautiful planet of ours.
So, if you're ready to make your commitment to "cruelty-free" a way of life, there's no better way to start than with one of our ethical vegan franchises.
The franchise model offers new businesses visibility in crowded marketplaces. And, although vegan businesses are a relatively new addition to the market, a vegan franchise can help establish your new company among your established competitors.
Adopting a familiar brand benefits a new business with instant recognition - customers recognise the branding as a reliable seal of market confidence, helping you gain traction.
The franchise model offers familiar, ready-to-go branding that helps increase the curb appeal of your physical business or digital marketplace. Independent companies have to start from scratch; your customers have already heard of you with a franchise.
The parent company offers training and support to help you gain expert status. They help set up the complicated infrastructure with regards to the supply chain - franchises are already established and help you hit the ground running.
Franchise businesses are built on robust foundations. They can scale up their business because of their history of healthy profit and a sustainable growth trajectory.
Facts About Vegan Franchises
If everyone on the planet went vegan, 8 million human lives would be saved by 2050. Greenhouse gas emissions would diminish by two thirds, and over a billion animals a year would be protected from the slaughterhouse.
Interest in a vegan diet has increased seven-fold since 2014. According to Google, vegan-related questions are searched four times more than gluten-free or vegetarian related queries.
Around 1.16% of the UK population consider themselves vegan - and while that figure feels low, it's growing exponentially with no signs of slowing. In fact, the sale of plant-based food in the UK increased by 1500% between 2016 and 2017. Over that same period, 19% of adults cut down their meat consumption and started checking toiletries, cosmetics, and cleaning products for vegan credentials.
Franchising Vs Independent
Banks often consider franchises a safer financial investment because they’re more likely to succeed. Independent businesses struggle to turn around a profit within the first three years of business because they lack traction in crowded marketplaces.
Franchise businesses, on the other hand, find firmer footing for their initial years because they rely on recognisable branding to establish themselves within the market.
Benefit from the robust infrastructure adopted from a franchise business - and join forces with a company that has already been proven successful.
Vegan Franchises
Explore our range of vegan franchises, and help the population adopt a cruelty-free lifestyle.
Find your brand new start with Franchise Direct.