On 6 February, whicfranchise.com announced Drain Doctor Oxford as one of the winners of its Great British Franchisee Awards 2023, an award designed to encourage and promote exceptional performance in all areas of business.
The panel of judges look at national franchisees’ ability to drive business growth, staff retention, customer satisfaction, community involvement, inspired leadership, and franchise involvement.
Commenting on Drain Doctor Oxford, the panel of judges said: “This is an impressive application and demonstrates how the franchise owners take a different direction to grow their business moving away from working in the business to working "on the business" with the support of the franchisor. The franchise owners clearly know their business inside out and seem to be operating a solid franchise”.
Jon and Lisa Parker, who are the husband-and-wife owners of Drain Doctor Oxford, said: “We are delighted to have received such a prestigious award! Since starting the business 11 years ago, turnover and profit has increased year on year, even during the pandemic. Together with our amazing team, we are committed to building on this success and continuing to deliver excellent service to our customers going forward”.