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It’s official! Chicken Cottage is now one of Elite Franchise’s top 100!

Chicken Cottage Image

Every year, they recognise the sector’s most successful franchisors, allowing thousands of potential franchisees to access their insider knowledge on the best places to invest their money. Not only has Chicken Cottage been listed for the first time thanks to the massive rebrand and restructuring they underwent earlier this year, but they have come straight in at number 54!

A mark of excellence

You only have to look at the calibre of names listed to get an idea of how huge a deal this is – you can read the full list here. With more than 1000 estimated franchises operating in the UK right now, to be put straight in at #54 is a huge accolade.

Not only that, but it was 1 of only 6 food & beverage brands that made it onto the list.

The top listing is awarded to only the very best franchises by a panel of expert judges based on 8 key criteria: longevity, network size, financial performance, growth, contribution (to communities and franchising as a whole), how they support their franchisees, how innovation sets them apart, and how effectively they are planning for the future.

This proves that Chicken Cottage is so much more than just another restaurant franchise – it is one of the best investment opportunities in the UK today.

As big news as this is, it is only just the beginning for Chicken Cottage. With all the hard work and investment which has gone into making this franchise into a truly world-class offering, the next year is looking to be a truly sensational one for the brand, and its partners. This could be the perfect time for you to consider this addition to your portfolio in 2023 and beyond.

If you’d like to learn more about how you could invest in one of the UK’s leading franchise opportunities, you can get in touch by using the button below. We will be happy to answer any questions you have, and help you decide if investing in Chicken Cottage is the right next step for you.

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