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The Homecare Franchise Revolution

There’s a quiet revolution coming to the homecare sector and every homecare franchise will be caught up in it - whether they like it or not. In this blog post, Amrit Dhaliwal, CEO, Walfinch, looks at the changing face of the homecare industry.

Walfinch Industry

What’s changing?

The image of care will be transformed. Instead of being a distress purchase, spoken of in hushed tones, care will become something people want to buy. It will be something to feel positive about, like having an au pair or an executive assistant. (“Oh, my carer’s taking me to see the Vermeer exhibition next week.”)

Thinking this way will make care an increasingly attractive proposition, for carers and franchisees, and make it a more inclusive culture. More young people are already moving into the sector. I know care franchisees under 40 and even under 30. Care franchises cannot afford to ignore younger people when recruiting either care staff or franchisees – they will be part of the care revolution.

If you think I’m deluded, consider this…

Local authorities are starved of the cash that they need to pay care companies at a rate that enables them to deliver decent services. The Government has pledged more cash, but as the Homecare Association says, it’s not enough. Relying on local authority contracts is increasingly unsustainable.

Meanwhile the number of adults waiting for social care in England has risen sharply from about 294,000 last year to over 500,000 this year, according to a report from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

The result?

More clients and their families will pay for private care, and more care providers will focus mainly or solely on private customers, who will want the kind of care that doesn’t just maintain life but enhances it.

More competition

Care providers will compete to provide person-centred care to attract private payers. Carers will be carefully matched to each clients’ interests, so between them they can enjoy pastimes that they love.

It’s happening already: I see franchisees and their care teams facilitating clients baking, gardening, playing golf, making video calls, going to the cinema, cafes, and even fishing.

All the daily physical and mental health care is still happening, but it’s not the focus of the visit for client or carer.

Meanwhile, the most successful care franchises will strive to create their own unique cultures, be it our extra emphasis on making care fun for clients and carers, or providing unique services, or delivering bespoke care to a few clients. In all cases the emphasis will be on quality not quantity.

What about recruitment?

Staff shortages will force care companies to treat carers as the skilled professionals they are. That means decent wages, listening to carers, offering flexible hours, funding their professional development, and providing proper career opportunities. All will attract – and retain – the best carers. This is all possible if care providers want it.

Call me over-optimistic, but I think the care revolution is not only possible but on the way. It can’t come soon enough.

Are you ready to join the care revolution as a Walfinch franchisee? See the Walfinch Franchise Opportunity.

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