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Bored at Christmas - More people decide to open a business

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The parties, the present buying, the eating, when it all comes to an end on Christmas night and the following days, we're left to think about how our lives have changed in the last year.

Getting to hear what our friends and families have been up to can often encourage us to think about where we are in our lives, and what we might like to change.


As the world's largest franchise directory site, we often find more traffic at this time, as people begin to think how they might go about changing their lives.Last year, we experienced nearly a 20pc boost in enquiries to franchisors over the Christmas and New Year period.

More free time - Unless you're in cooking mode or off to splash around the Mediteranean, more people are off work, with free time to think about their hopes and dreams, and to browse the internet.

Comparing to family and friends - Getting to catch up with old friends and family can often lead us to question where we are in our own lives. Your school friends have all found themselves in wellpaid successful careers, when you are still slogging for someone else, just getting through life.

New Year Changes - The festive period has always lead up to a spate of New Years' resolutions, after the indulgence orgy that is Christmas. Along with kicking the fags or binning the chocolate, many people may want to change their career, or lifestyle.

So if you're bored for a few hours before dinner on boxing day, or plodding around the house trying to avoid rows, take some time to see what you could do to change your life, and career.

From business consultancy to beauty, handyman and retail franchise businesses, you might just find what you're looking for.

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