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Home Services Franchise Opportunities for Sale

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Generate a 6 Figure Income with this Proven Management Franchise Model, in a Recession Proof Industry, alongside the UK’s Most Trusted Drainage and Plumbing Franchise Company
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Trends and Facts About Home Services Franchises

The UK population is obsessed with beautiful homes. We love to transform our spaces and keep up with the latest interior design trends. A quick flick through the TV listings confirms it: from home makeover to interior design mastery, from garden rescues to grand designs.

Unfortunately, the UK working population is time poor, meaning that dreams of home improvement or maintenance get filed under “to do” rather than “done”.

And as the UK population ages, more and more of us are opting to remain in our homes rather than move into supported accommodation. This means that many UK senior citizens are unable to carry out those essential home maintenance tasks.

But it's not just the older generation who needs help with home maintenance; younger homeowners and renters also rely on skilled service people to maintain their homes. This is often due to a lack of time or ability, but - either way - home services franchises are always in demand.

That leaky tap, the drafty window, the rotting door frame, the summer house that needs painting, the fences that need creosoting. Looking after a home requires ongoing commitment, which is where the home services franchise sector becomes invaluable in keeping people’s homes tip top and ship shape.

Home services franchises cater to a vast array of home-based services, including:

  • Domestic Cleaning
  • Gardening
  • Lawn care
  • Plumbing
  • Electrics
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Central heating maintenance
  • Building, plastering, carpentry
  • Decorating

UK citizens aged 65 and over make up the most significant proportion of homeowners in the UK (35.1%), with a falling proportion the younger the homeowner demographic gets. 19.2% of the homeowner population is aged 55-64, making the older generations over half of the UK's homeowners. These are the generations most likely to need help from home services franchises.

So, if you love helping people maintain and beautify their homes, consider a home services franchise for a satisfying way to earn your living and the gratification of a job well done.


Many home services franchises are relatively small concerns with employees of around 3 or 4, while others employ large workforces. Whichever you're considering, it's worth thinking about the benefits of franchising to help get your new business off the ground.

Many people consider franchising the most straightforward way of going into self-employment because the business model has been tried, tested, and proven successful, sustainable, and with a service portfolio that resonates with an existing customer base.

However, going into business independently is a case of starting totally from scratch. This requires a lot of trial and error before the business model works for the customer base.

Franchising provides a raft of excellent advantages that make those early years easier to sustain, such as:

  • Instantly recognisable branding - your customer base has already heard of you and trusts the brand
  • Immediate curb appeal - giving you a headstart on the high street and authority in search engines
  • Established marketing, taking the pressure off the franchisee to create promotional content
  • A product portfolio that’s already been proven to resonate with a clearly defined customer base
  • An existing supply chain providing preferential rates on materials due to having the scale of a larger organisation
  • A reputation for excellent customer service and approval

On top of those advantages, investing in a home services franchise usually includes a training package to enhance your field expertise. This helps you maintain the parent company's hard-earned reputation for reliability and skilful delivery.

So, if you're fed up with working for a boss who neither values your contribution nor offers the opportunity to use your complete skillset, it could be time to consider becoming your own boss. Franchise Direct provides an excellent selection of home services franchises with:

  • A hard-earned reputation that gets you recommended before you even open your doors
  • A full training programme
  • Ongoing business support and HR functionality

Facts About Home Services Franchises

Over the past couple of years, more UK citizens have worked from home than ever before. And while many are returning to the office, a significant proportion of workers have voluntarily opted to continue to enjoy working in a home office.

Of course, this means more of us are spending more time in our homes - but that doesn't mean we have more time to complete home tasks. In fact, as more of us work from home, fewer of us are finding the time to get essential jobs like cleaning and garden maintenance done.

So, home services franchises have become essential services for many.

In fact, according to home-working-impact study by KGG Consulting, the home services sector was one of the principal beneficiaries of the pandemic’s forced lifestyle changes. People had more to spend on things like:

  • Converting their power to solar
  • Duct cleaning
  • HVAC installation and maintenance

According to, the UK home services market was valued at just over £6bn in 2018. And by 2026, the sector is projected to reach almost £11bn in value, growing at a staggering CAGR of 8.8%.

So, the time has never been better to invest in a home services franchise! Check out Franchise Direct’s exciting selection of home services franchises and embrace a new way of working today!

Franchising Vs. Independent

Going into business is never simple, but investing in a franchise is often considered a more straightforward approach to becoming your own boss. When you start up an independent business from scratch, you have to crack into a saturated marketplace, making the first years of operation a considerable financial risk.

Think about it: you open your new business, but no one's heard of you. It takes time to build the trust and reputation that makes you the local go-to for home services.

Compare that with a franchise: open your business with established branding that customers already know and a service they already trust. So, when they’re looking for someone to mend their leaky tap, most consumers are more likely to go with a name they’ve already heard of rather than a complete stranger.

For this reason, franchises tend to hit the ground running, recouping their initial investment more quickly than independent entrepreneurs who struggle to penetrate the marketplace at the start of their business journey. This means that over 50% of all UK independent companies go into receivership within the first five years of going into business.

However, franchises tend to survive through those first five years - the parent company has done the groundwork so that they can provide an opportunity that:

  • Has an existing customer base
  • Has road-tested their services
  • Has overcome the financial obstacles of early years businesses.

For a better start, consider the advantage of investing in a home services franchise with Franchise Direct!

Home Services Franchises

Check out Franchise Direct's excellent choice of home services franchises. And help UK’s homeowners and renters make the most out of their treasured homes.

Find your brand new start with Franchise Direct.

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