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Dramatically increase your wealth by helping kids. Billion pound industry with high profit margins.
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This is one of Britain's best day nurseries. If you love working with children, this franchise will suit you.
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Javi, North London
Running a P-zazz franchise means you the freedom to bring in your own ideas and ways of communicating knowledge and skills. You get to work with the same group for a long period of time, enabling them to achieve high standards and aim for bigger challenges every term. The shows are always a huge highlight for the children, the parents, the school and ME!
Sanchita, East London
The professional, exciting and people-focussed attitude of P-zazz makes it unique. P-zazz has really nailed the art and science of working with children. It's amazing to be part of a brand with that reputation.
Tina, London
I so enjoy making my own decisions as a P-zazz franchisee! I love the challenge and also the feeling of pride when you know that you have achieved something by yourself and for yourself!
Louise, Mid-Herts
The training I had with P-zazz was absolutely brilliant and really fun. The database 'Zing' is fantastic - it means I can be earning and managing - not doing admin!
Javi, North London
If you are thinking about a P-zazz franchise then I'd say go for it! It's a proven business model, you can't go wrong! You will receive all the support and advice you need.
Sanchita, East London
I had no previous experience running a business, P-zazz has taken me through every little step helping me succeed - it's the support which you just don't get if you go it alone. I have constantly felt supported, they are always happy to help. Thanks!
Louise Vaughan, Franchisee, P'zazz Mid Herts
"I really enjoy what P'zazz offers - I am selling a business I believe in to the schools. I love working with people and creating my own success. The processes that P'zazz has put in place helped a great deal. The help and guidance is something that you don't get when you go it alone. The training was brilliant and really fun. Things I find daunting or stressful Esther puts at ease just by talking it through in the weekly reviews."
Javi Favre, Franchisee, P'zazz London North One
"Becoming a P'zazz franchisee was a great opportunity to start my own business and increase my income. Every little effort you make you know is for yourself! It's hard work and you need to be very self disciplined but it's very rewarding. I had no previous experience running a business and P'zazz has carefully taken me through every little step helping me succeed. I have felt constant support, they are always happy to help and clarify doubts."

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