Ah; the heavenly scent of the rose. The perfume of the Gods and the elixir that inspired Shakespeare to pen such phrases as "a rose by any other name". Perfume is a product of luxury; a symbol of self-care, and the bringer of love.
OK - we might be getting a bit carried away, here. But perfume is precious to us; whether we realise it or not.
Marilyn Monroe claimed that the only thing she wears to bed is Chanel No. 5. Estée Lauder thinks that perfume is like a new dress that makes you feel marvellous. Gianni Versace said that perfume puts the finishing touch to elegance.
“Long after one has forgotten what a woman wore, the memory of her perfume lingers” stated Christian Dior.
Perfume is held in high esteem; so if you're looking for a new career path that encapsulates the very essence of glamour and self-care, perfume franchises provide entry to the most sensual of all vocations.
Perfume franchises afford admission into a crowded marketplace. But for one to excel in such competitive climes, it's essential to provide a service that's better than all of the competition. Perfume franchises are perfectly placed to offer training and operational support to make your new venture a complete success; giving your new business a cutting-edge.
Investing in a franchise brings a wealth of excellent benefits, including instantly familiar branding and a name that your future customers already know and trust.
What better way to capture an audience than with a trusted, luxury brand?
When you invest in a perfume franchise, you also inherit the parent company's reputation for excellent customer satisfaction, facilitating access to high-value customers who know they can rely on your business from the moment you open your doors.
Facts About Perfume Franchises
The global perfume industry is worth over $31.4 billion and is projected to expand by almost 4% between now and 2025. This growth projection is based on the growing trend for personal grooming, along with a hunger for luxury and exotic fragrances.
2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. But it's at times like this when people tend to focus on self-care by spoiling themselves a little.
While lockdowns have hampered the social lives of many of us in 2020, the need for reassurance and comfort, including perfume purchases, has been high.
Indeed, online perfume franchises have thrived through lockdown, with sales increasing by between 150-200%.
In addition to an increase in sales of traditional perfumes, the lockdown has increased demands on home comforts such as scented candles and diffusers; so perfume franchises who offer a home range are worth particular consideration.
One of the theories around the increase in home-comfort products is the need to create variety within the home when we can’t leave the house. Each room can develop a separate identity through aroma, so people are turning to perfume products to increase the hygge of the home.
But lockdown won’t last forever, and soon enough we’ll be out-and-about in bars and restaurants again. And, for most of us, we don’t feel completely prepared for a night out without our favourite scent.
Perfume franchises offer entry to a market of luxury-lovers: people prepared to pay premiums for perfumery perfection.
Franchising Vs Independent
Banks and moneylenders favour franchises because their business model is based on a framework that’s already been proven profitable, sustainable, and built on growth.
Independent businesses, on the other hand, often struggle to penetrate the marketplace without the support of an experienced partner, and it can be challenging to achieve start-up collateral without a track record.
Unfortunately, almost half of all independent companies go bankrupt within their first three years because they fail to make a return on their investment.
Franchise businesses, however, often thrive as soon as they open - their business is instantly recognisable, and their customers already know and trust them as a brand.
Perfume Franchises
Explore our fantastic range of perfume franchises, and help the world smell of roses.
Find your brand new start with Franchise Direct.