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Trends and Facts About Sports Franchises

Generally speaking, Britain is a very sporty nation. Despite its small size, the country is one of the most influential nations on the planet when it comes to sports. Many of Britain’s sporting heroes are household names internationally and many of the world’s most popular sports originated from the British Isles.

This has a strong influence on the general population, with a lot of everyday people choosing to take up sport themselves; whether inspired by dreams of being stars themselves, or just as a healthy pastime. This means demand for sporting venues and equipment is high, and such a high demand means plenty of profitable business opportunities.

If you are interested in opening your own sports company, you may be thinking about opening an independent business. However, we also think it’s a good idea that you at least consider looking at a franchise instead.

Trends and Facts about Sports Franchises

In striving to find a work-life balance, many people are putting more priority on leisure time and activities to counterbalance long hours in the workplace. Sports and athletics can help individuals manage stress levels and stay healthy. At the last estimate, 4.5 million adults in the UK are members of gyms, meaning many prefer specific activities and sports to general gyms. The camaraderie and activeness of sports for children and adults can be very appealing. For many, keeping in shape is a way of life and a great way of interacting with like-minded people.

Recent reports from the BBC show that running is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, with more people training for marathons and choosing to run more casually for fitness. This means they may not join a gym, as they prefer to exercise outdoors. To supplement their runs, many turn to sports. It is estimated 50% of UK adults have partaken in a sport within the past month. Sport England reported that 15.8 million English residents over age 16 played a sport weekly. The participation levels in sports have been increasing, with weekly participants up by 1.75 million over the past decade, especially with the emphasis on eating healthy and engaging in physical activity to combat the rising levels of obesity and disease.

The Growth of Sports Franchises

Children’s sports franchises are growing exceptionally well as parents are concerned about growing childhood obesity trends. Teaching children the importance of staying active through sports is of great importance. Parents are willing to invest money into the well-being and health of their children, making the market for children's sports franchises consistently strong. Sport England is pushing an initiative to help children find a sport they just love, so there may be an increase in the number of children looking to try out a variety of sports.

The UK and Europe have long favoured football as their sport of choice, with numerous football franchises on the market, but popularity among other sports is increasing. Cycling, running, and water sports are all on the rise. Golf also draws a huge following in the UK. The sport has the potential for a big pay-out, although the sport itself is very expensive, given that golfers must have golf clubs, balls and access to golf courses in order to play.

Why a Franchise?

When people are looking for sports services, they typically look for those providers with a strong reputation for delivering results. Recommendations play a big part in which services people choose and it can take some time before a new business gets the reputation and recommendations that help to make it successful.

When you invest in a franchise, you are investing in more than just the premises and equipment etc. You are also investing in a name – a name that has been built up over years before you even open your own franchise. This means you already have a client base that is happy to use your services – giving you an advantage over new independent businesses.

When you invest in a franchise, you will also be investing in a tried and tested business plan and day to day operating procedures. For a lot of new businesses, there is a process of trial and error involved before they eventually hit upon a successful formula. This trial and error process alone can be fatal for a lot of fledgeling businesses.

When you invest in a franchise, you also get to benefit from the parent company’s marketing campaigns. Marketing is essential for most businesses as it’s necessary to attract the customers they need. However, it can also take up a lot of time that could be spent in the day to day running of the business. Alternatively, it can be costly to invest in having a marketing company do it for you. This is not something you need to be concerned about when you invest in a franchise, however.

Is a Sports Franchise for You?

Although pretty much anybody could invest in a sports franchise, it’s ideally suited for somebody that has an interest in sports. With a variety of sporting franchises to choose from, there’s opportunities available to a wide range of people with different sporting interests. Do you love to work with kids? There’s also sports franchise opportunities that focus on kids specifically, making for a potentially very fun and satisfying investment.

Owning your own franchise will also mean you get to decide your own schedule and be your own boss. There’s also the potential of significant financial rewards when you get it just right. Just as importantly, having your own sports franchise may also help you to keep in good shape health-wise.

Here at Franchise Direct, we have worked hard to bring you some of the best sport franchise opportunities available. You are more than welcome to browse through our franchises at your leisure and get in touch if you see something you like. The market for sports franchises remains robust and ripe for investment.

Consider joining a sports franchise today.

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