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Blossom Home Care Franchising Ltd

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Start a Blossom Home Care Franchise

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Three offices per territory | Multi-territory option

Do you have the ambition to build a big care business?

Care is a growing market with our aging population – with Blossom Home Care you’ll be setup to build your own large multi-office home care business targeting both private clients and the lucrative niches of the public sector.

Prime territories still available

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*compared to other businesses like-for-like sales level


Founded by a wealthy Yorkshire farm owner when his elders needed extra care, the business initially grew in the North East of England and now has franchisees dotted all across the UK.

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We’ve learnt a lot since we started offering the business model as a franchise...

To be successful with your own Blossom Home Care business you need to be money-motivated, commercially minded and happy to challenge. You won’t succeed unless you can manage people and you will need a genuine compassion for your clients and their loved ones.

You’ll need to insist on delivering first-class care, paying your carers the most and investing in marketing to grow your business. Get this right and you will scale up quickly.

We would love you to have your second office in year two/three and third office by year four/five, but the timing is up to you. Either way; follow the model, take the guidance and advice provided and you should end up with a sizeable asset that you can sell in the future.

#we offer no guarantees of success

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The total initial investment is typically in the region of £90k. However, the high street banks will loan up to 50% of this total (subject to status). So, you could start your new business with as little as £45k, potentially from savings, family money or a re-mortgage.

You need to start with the aim of building a large multi-office care business, a valuable asset that once established can deliver a very healthy income stream and excellent work/life balance.

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If you would like to build a profitable multi-office care business with Blossom Home Care you will need:

  • enthusiasm and character, and a positive can-do attitude
  • the desire to follow the model and act on our advice
  • at least £45k to invest in starting your new business

To discuss your aspirations, find out the size of your local territory and get the answers to any questions you may have, please get in touch with one of the team.

Scooping the Best Business Award!

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But that’s what Paul and Jo Hamilton, owners of Blossom Home Care in Teesdale and Weardale, have achieved.

Scooping the Best Business Award - the most prestigious prize in the Teesdale Business Awards - is a promising start to any trophy cabinet, but for Paul and Jo, it only adds to the satisfaction they’re getting from bringing premium care-in-the-home to their area.

“After our successful careers, we were already financially secure and had not considered starting a business ,” says Paul, a former IT manager.

“We could have just carried on with a comfortable life, but chose instead to do something we could look back on with pride.”

The people of Teesdale and Weardale are mightily relieved that Paul and Jo did, too, as other care companies have chosen not to serve the tiny population that’s thinly scattered over a huge geographical area.

But Paul and Jo and Blossom went for it because they believe people need and deserve high quality care in their homes, wherever they happen to live.

“Blossom are very different to other providers,” says Paul. “Jo, being a district nurse, has seen the outcomes and sometimes the damage that bad care can do and the effect it has on people.

“But Blossom’s care model ensures things are right. Everything related to care is covered so that everything is correct and safe and the care delivered is as perfect as it can be.

“We’ve had some fantastic reviews and feedback, and we’re particularly proud of what we’ve been able to do for one client who’d been looked after for three years but had only been getting 15-minute visits.

“He was in a state of disrepair. He was uncomfortable and unhappy and his mood was very low. His family were very unhappy, too, and felt helpless.

“Within two weeks, we changed his outlook on life. He’s clean and comfortable, he’s happy, his family are happy and he’s in the best situation possible in his circumstances.

‘That’s the result of providing quality care with properly trained staff and minimum 50-minute care visits.

“Some of our clients have been with us since we started our care service more than a year ago, and our second client is still with us. We’re helping that lady stay in her home with her husband.

“It’s not perfect. But it’s the best situation she could possibly have and she is happy and comfortable. And that’s what keeps us going. It gives us a massive lift.

“Our carers say the same. They can’t believe the difference in their own work-life balance. We have one carer who feels she’s got her life back.

“She’s now got the time to care, the time to breathe, the time to reflect both physically and emotionally, and she looks different, happier and healthier.

“It’s very important to us that our care staff are happy and content, as this reflects on the quality of care provided.”

Paul and Jo took a courageous step in becoming the first franchisees in what was to become the Blossom Home Care network.

The challenges that came with that - recruitment, staff retention, and serving a scattered community with a very low population density - were acknowledged by the judges of the Teesdale Business Awards, who praised Paul and Jo for their resilience and their determination to succeed in an area other providers didn’t even dare to enter.

“It was a bit of a torrid time at first,” Paul recalls. “It was a harsh Winter, then there was Covid followed by lockdowns.

“We felt, as the song says, that if we could make it here, we could make it anywhere.

“There’s still plenty of work to do to achieve our target of being the premium home care provider in our area, but if quality of care is the deciding factor then we’re well on the way to achieving that.

“The people we have in our care team now are invested in us,” says Paul. “It’s a good position to be in. They really want to be here. We’re very excited by the people who’ve joined and are joining.

“Most of our enquiries now come via recommendation. And almost 60% of our clients are private arrangements, which is healthy from a business view, as they usually stay longer.

“We’re right back up where we were in June and July and should exceed that next month, so the growth is definitely there. I’m confident enquiries will keep coming in.”

The couple invested in a Blossom Home Care franchise, based in Barnard Castle, because Jo had worked with Blossom co-founder Fiona Leggott in nursing and they had a mutual trust and understanding.

“We didn’t know anything about care at all, apart from Jo’s district nursing experience,” says Paul.

“But the key to our success is the training of our care team, an ongoing process to ensure our staff have the knowledge and skills to provide the best care possible. plus they have the support here of a district nurse and a care manager with 20 years of experience.

“If they don’t know the answer, nobody will!

“The whole set-up of Blossom is fantastic. We wouldn’t have even contemplated starting a business like this without their help. We wouldn’t have had a clue where to start.

“Blossom’s support covers staff training, accreditation, CQC registration, office set-up and ongoing monitoring of every aspect of the care service and its administration which all must be to the Blossom standard. And the Blossom standard is the best.

“Everything related to care is recorded on a centralised care system. Standards are very high and the care business model, once implemented, makes it a perfect care company from an operational and care standards point of view.

“One of the judges at the awards said we were head and shoulders above the rest in terms of management of the business as we’ve demonstrated great growth in our first year, we manage the business and look after our staff perfectly, and we’ve shown a massive resilience to get through these last 12 months.

“It’s a grand place, a beautiful area, lovely people, and a community that really appreciates us being here.

“The fact that we have made it here proves Blossom’s business model works, it proves the need for care here, and it proves beyond all doubt that with hard work and determination you can build a successful care business in a sparsely-populated area.”

Blossom Home Care Franchising Ltd Success Stories

Blossom Home Care Case Study | Greenwich

May 18, 2023
Mary Ada Alajemba is not your average franchisee. Motivated not by money but by the difference she can make to people’s lives, she was drawn to Blossom Home Care by the fact it’s led by a Registered Nurse.

Blossom Home Care Case Study: Paul and Jo Hamilton

March 29, 2022
Being voted the best local business in your second year of trading is extraordinary - and for that to happen in a pandemic when you’re the pioneering franchise in a network is nothing short of astonishing.
Blossom Home Care Franchising Ltd Videos
Blossom Home Care | Franchise Video

Blossom Home Care | Franchise Video

Find your perfect work life balance with the Blossom Home Care Franchise Opportunity.
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Available Locations:
Opportunities available in England and Scotland
Business Type:
Minimum Investment:
£45,000 + VAT
Financing Assistance
3rd Party


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