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Earn Over £4,700 per month with this award winning and unique opportunity!

Welcome to your opportunity to run a highly profitable and scalable business, whether you are working in the business or on the business.

Become part of UK’s Elite100 highest ranked Sports coaching franchise and be supported from the best to achieve a six-figure income.

Are you already a hands-on sports coach with the desire to engaged in sports coaching, if so SportsCool Coach would be ideal for you and would ensure your success.

SportsCool Image

“I have worked as a sports coach for 15 years. I am passionate about sport but reached a stage in my life where I wanted more. Owning a SportsCool Coaching franchise has allowed me to achieve my goals within and outside of work, now that I have a young family. Financially, I feel secure, I’m creating a legacy for my daughter and feel like my destiny is in my own hands.” - Franchisee for Lancaster.

Or, do you appreciate the importance of physical education but, you do not want to directly engaged in the day to day coaching delivery yourself. If so, SportsCool Director is the business model that will quickly deliver you highly profit levels.

“Operating the Director Model of the SportsCool franchise has enabled me to focus on planning, business growth and the relationship building required to make my first year a huge success. I was ambitious and we actually managed to exceed the first-year revenue target by more than 50%. It has taken absolute focus on sales, marketing and planning to get the franchise where I want it. It isn’t easy, but it is certainly worth it.” - Franchisee for West Essex

It is our objective to always be the best, so we can make sure you are the best too.

We always set out to provide more than any other: that said, it isn’t just about the franchise package! What is important is how we deliver your success and work with you.

Reading on and you will realise that this opportunity really is unlike anything else and fully deserves to be described as a unique life changing business opportunity. 

Yes, a very bold statement we know!

The key numbers, you really want to know

Which route is for you? Your route to success is dependent on your background, time available, lifestyle choice and financial aspirations.

  • SportsCool Director – working on the business, creating strategic growth and appointing managers to deal with day-to-day operations.

*£24,999 + VAT *150 School Territory * Scalable % based royalty

SportsCool Image

  • SportsCool Coach - working in the business, delivering hands-on coaching or working with a small team of coaches as you grow.

*£15,995 + VAT *75 School Territory * Scalable % based royalty

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Multiple Income Streams

Our products range is immense with over 20 of activities including…

Parents have the desire to give their children the opportunities they deserve and match that with the government support with the PE & Sport Premium providing £320 million of ringfenced funding gives us the power to make a difference with the children in your local community. There is also the £200 million Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme.

Typically, parent paid, after school clubs, before school clubs, holiday clubs and birthday parties.

Paid for by the School or LEA, enrichment sessions, lunch clubs, PPA Cover, CPD and HAF Programmes.

Individual SportsCool franchisees have in the last few months secured £340,000 HAF contracts.

Will you require funding?

We can support you in an application from a popular government backed loan scheme.

So, who are SportsCool and why are they different to all the rest?

SportsCool Image

SportsCool is a primary school sports activity coaching company and was founded by three highly passionate sports coaches, Lee, Matt and Andy who had already been franchisees in the same sector themselves. This gives them a unique understanding and empathy for just what you need to ensure your success.

In 2014 following the success of operating their own highly successful £1m+ pilot territory since 2008 the decision to franchise was taken. Not be just another franchise but be the best by being different to the rest!

Supporting, mentoring and training you is as natural as breathing to them.

SportsCool - the unique difference:

The founders started as franchisees themselves – So, they know exactly what you need to succeed.

  1. The founders still run their own territory – So, they know exactly how to succeed.
  2. The founders are above all coaches and mentors – So, ensuring your success is part of their DNA.
  3. SportsCool guarantee product sales initially set up for you, to ensure you are earning from the start.
  4. SportsCool’s range of products and homegrown offerings are forever dynamic, with new creations, moving with the times and adaptions, always with making a difference at the heart of any changes.
  5. We measure our success on what you achieve, not how many franchisees we sell.

Are you the perfect SportsCool Franchisee?

You could be if…

  • You want to invest in opportunity that will forever have a need for the services offered (irrespective of the government and economy)
  • A passion to make a difference is the one of the most important attributes we look for in you. Skills can be taught but passion can’t be bought
  • You are positive, motivated and have a can-do mindset
  • You are excellent at communication
  • You having coaching experience and even if you don’t have coaching experience… Coach or Director

Our franchise has been proven over many years, as long as you have what it takes SportsCool will help you create a thriving business.

Are you ready for change and the next steps?

Fill out the form below to get in touch with a representative from the brand:

SportsCool News

SportsCool: The Power of our Products - SEN Holiday Clubs

February 15, 2024
At SportsCool we see first-hand and understand how bringing up a child with disabilities or additional needs can be very demanding, as well as rewarding.

Becoming A SportsCool Franchise Partner!

SportsCool is one of the leading education franchises for primary school aged children in the sports industry.

The company was formed in 2008 by three highly passionate sports coaches and has now grown to a strong network of 30+ franchisees across the UK.

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Chris Anstey, Director of SportsCool West Essex was kind enough to take time out to discuss his first year of being a franchise partner, and what a year it’s been…

My First 3 Months…

The Training:

“For someone in my position who had a deep passion for sport but didn’t know how to direct this into a business, the initial training was completely integral to my business getting up and running. I could have sat down on my own and done it alone, learnt a process and made a plan, but I couldn’t learn all the parts of the business-like HR, safeguarding, how to sell to a school and delve as deep into a business plan. If I did this on my own it wouldn't have been anywhere near the quality of what SportsCool HQ have provided.”

“At the initial seminar, I remember sitting down and hoping this would help nudge me onto the right path to running a successful business, what I experienced though, was so more than that and so fundamental to all the success we have enjoyed at West Essex. I genuinely believe I would not have known where to start if I wanted to succeed on my own and I knew I needed that help which is why I chose to invest.”

Sales Support:

“Libby and Sam were incredibly helpful in establishing early relationships with both schools and nurseries. This meant that we had five contracts in place at the end of month 3. Crucially though, we had been accepted for our first HAF club to deliver in the winter 2022 holidays which really helped to set ourselves up for future holiday clubs and the capacity our clubs are now running at nearly a year later.”

Months 4-6…

Contract development:

“By month 6 I had around 7 or 8 schools in place however, a lot of our focus around this time was preparing for our longest stint of holiday clubs where we had now been accepted to run 3 separate HAF locations across my territory, which was just brilliant.”

On-going Support:

“Despite everyone being very busy, I have never not been able to speak to anyone within the SportsCool family. Everyone will pick up the phone and make sure they communicate with you no matter what. There is and always has been someone on hand to help and support on any part of the business when I need them.”

Months 7-9…

“My expectations before starting the franchise were hopeful, but had been exceeded massively by this point - by month 9, the areas we have had major success in and been more successful than I could have ever hoped.  The challenges I had at times, do feel more challenging - but I believe everything is a balance and I would have 100% taken that before I started back in 2022”

“I think that you will naturally need support less as the months go on as you become more confident in decision making, problem solving and thriving in an independence that has been gained from the initial hard work and training period. However, I absolutely know that if I needed anything from any of the team at SportsCool HQ, I know I could contact one of them at any time. I feel at a point in the business now that I have naturally found I need less support, and I think this is testament to the SC team.”

End of year 1…

Chris’s Reflection of Training and Support in the Last 12 Months:

“I can’t stress enough how much I needed the initial training and how valuable it has been to me. For example, we have had so much success with HAF, and aside from that too I wouldn’t have had the ‘foggiest’ on how to approach a school or how to have any kind of conversation about sports provision – in just those two examples, it has been absolutely integral to my first 12 months and continuing performance.”

“I’ve been really happy with my first 12 months with SportsCool. It’s important to note that each franchisee’s experience at SportsCool is and will be different. I have had great success with HAF and after school clubs, some neighbouring territories to me may have more lunch clubs and PPA work. Franchisee’s skill will differ across the board, so it is difficult to outline exactly where you will be successful, but I do believe that what I was told by SportsCool in this process, was as accurate and honest, and it absolutely accounts for the landscape of what my first 12 months has been and will hopefully continue to be.”

Start-up Costs and Financial Forecasts:

“I know I keep mentioning HAF, but it is important. Due to our successful HAF applications, we naturally spent more time on the great delivery of our HAF clubs. This did mean that we were not able to drive the core part of our business model (such as extra-curricular and PPA) as much as we would have liked, but that was a necessary example of ‘adaptability‘ which is the core value at SportsCool. We would have been stretched ‘too thinly‘ if we tried to be ‘all things to all people‘, so I believe this was a necessary decision to make within the interests of the business at that time, and I was definitely right to make this decision.”

If you share Chris’s ethos and would like to bring sports activities with a twist to your local community…

Click below to find out more about becoming a SportsCool Franchise Partner!

SportsCool Testimonials
We quickly got accepted into the HAF programme in only 5 days, we believe it’s incredible how fast we were accepted and the impact that has on so many vulnerable children and their families. Furthermore, we had a surplus amount of aid and help from SportsCool, we got assistance with the meetings from Lee, and extremely beneficial help from Matt surrounding the figures for the club. Over the summer we had many children into our sports HAF club, this brought in £17,000 revenue with 50 different children joining for the summer, and we are looking at a £5,000 revenue this winter. In Summer, we did a broad range of different activities to get children with all sorts of different personalities and likings such as; Football, archery, Tri-golf, Curling, Badminton and Volley ball for the sports side of the list. However, we did some more relaxed activities for children who aren’t massively keen on sports. We also conducted; Lego activities, air drying clay, arts and crafts and experimenting with plants and seeds. For the winter, some of these activities are coming back while also adapting these activities to be Christmas themed and as well as a visit from Santa Claus. This winter we are having separate HAF sessions for SEN children which includes specialised sensory equipment and adapting existing activities for their needs. It’s been amazing I’m so proud to be involved bringing happiness and sports to the children in my community.
Daniel, SportsCool Derby South
Lee and the team at SportsCool have been fantastic in all the support, advice and encouragement. He has shown me first hand the different ways to ‘sell’ our product and it has been invaluable to me. I was apprehensive about visiting schools but his polite and friendly manner showed me it’s highly effective. Not only have they helped with face to face sales, Lee has shown me how to structure my week to make sure I use my own time efficiently. I now meet regularly with my coaches, send letters, call and visit schools each day. Lee has also suggested initiatives like advertising birthday parties, providing evening and weekend clubs, plus advice regarding HAF funding and holiday camps. His experience and knowledge is vital to making a success of the business and he has installed confidence and belief in myself. It’s amazing to know this level of support is on offer and has been vital in my start as a business owner.
Steve (Brighton Franchisee)
SportsCool Videos
SportsCool Testimonial | Chris: Leeds North

SportsCool Testimonial | Chris: Leeds North

Chris of SportsCool Leeds North discusses his experience of the franchise.
SportsCool Testimonial | Steve

SportsCool Testimonial | Steve

Steve from SportsCool discusses his SportsCool journey.
SportsCool Testimonial - Matthew

SportsCool Testimonial - Matthew

Matthew of SportsCool Maidstone discusses the support and training he received from the SportsCool franchise network.
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SportsCool Gallery
SportsCool Gallery
Available Locations:
Opportunities available across the UK (Excluding Scotland).
Business Type:
Minimum Investment:
Financing Assistance
3rd Party
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