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Start a BizSmart® Franchise

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We are disrupting the fragmented business coaching and consultancy market. BizSmart® offers small business owners a fresh approach to growth guidance that builds longer client relationships, delivering you a sticky recuring income. Why longer relationships… because unlike most coaching and consultancy franchises – it’s not all about you!

“I have seen first-hand the positive impact of the BizSmart® model for enabling business owners to achieve sustainable and profitable growth.”

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BBC Apprentice Winner, Mark Wright uses the BizSmart® ScaleUp’ System in his businesses

Our client stats evidence that we have something special here

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So, what is it that BizSmart® provide that will enable you to create such long and profitable client relationships for your business…

  • Your clients will place huge value on the proprietary software stack, which sets out and manages their business ScaleUp journey….And they love the community you will build, a group of like-minded small business owners who fuel the conversations at your group video board meetings.
  • Your clients will deliver the value to each other for you, month after month, year after year. You also create deeper personal client relationships with 45-minute monthly 1-2-1s, simply following the steps laid out in the system and tailoring your approach to their mood that month.
  • Clients typically pay a lot lesst han the market rate for a business coach or peer advisory board, so they are happy they are getting a great deal too… Everyone wins, everyone learns, while everyone makes more money!*

And there’s more – we are aware accountants and other professionals are desperate to transition to become their clients’ trusted advisors, with tech and AI encroaching on their processing roles. To them your BizSmart® software stack is a proven fintech masterpiece that you can supply for their team to utilise in their practice and keep their clients engaged too. This presents you with an entirely hands-off super-sticky additional recurring income stream. Everyone wins again…

BizSmart is the perfect business for:

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You must care and be credible, have commercial acumen and be confident to adapt your pace and pitch to relate to a range of switched-on business people. You will learn as much as your clients do – it’s such a rewarding role where you will develop deep relationships that will often last as long as you are operating!

“It’s a bit like being a NED for multiple small businesses, but far, far more rewarding.” Granger Forson – Franchisee

All services are conceived to be simple for you to operate with minimal effort, admin and preparation, while being highly effective and ultra-sticky for your clients. You will feel empowered by the tech and leverage AI, learning every day and staying current in our fast-moving world.

You don’t need lots of employees, you don’t need premises and you don’t need to travel. It’s a hugely rewarding role leading local business owners on the journey to scale up their organisations.

  • Peer advisory boards – monthly
  • 1-2-1 sessions following the monthly theme – monthly
  • Smart 90-day planning meetings – quarterly
  • Range of business ScaleUp tools – ad-hoc
  • Empowering local accountants/professionals to resell the system

A unique approach that even maps in your holidays!

Your first three years are mapped in extreme detail as part of the setup process, even blocks of time for holidays are included, so you have a true road map to follow. We are not aware of any other franchise that provides this depth of guidance, balance and clarity of the journey ahead.

Following the plan will see you aiming to hit c.£250k sales in year three working c.20hrs per week on delivery. Then aim for c.£500k in year five, enjoying c.70% - 80% net profits.*

And this all adds up to a valuable asset to sell in the future too.

BizSmart Image

Conceived, owned and operated in the UK

Founder, Kevin Brent, and the head office franchise support team also continue to operate the original territory in Worcester, committed to refining the unique software stack and building brand awareness. There’s a refreshing mindset focused on delivering long-term value where all parties win.

With educational books and regular peer podcast interviews, awareness of our unique approach to growth guidance is snowballing – exciting times ahead.

If you are interested in learning more about the BizSmart® franchise opportunity and feel it could be right for you please get in touch with Mike for an initial chat.

  • You need have at least £15k to invest to start your business with bank funding (total £50k)
  • You are keen to follow a franchise model to grow your own business
  • Have a desire to build a long-term recurring income stream
  • Are an adaptable, credible and confident people-person

If you want to go far, go together

*we do not offer any guarantees regarding the returns that you can create with BizSmart®

Simply click on request more info to request your free information!
BizSmart® Financial Data
The following financial information was provided by BizSmart® to give you more information about the costs associated with a BizSmart® opportunity
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Interview with Kevin Brent, Founder of BizSmart® discussing why a plan is not a strategy

BizSmart®️ founder Kevin Brent outlines the key differences between a plan and a strategy. Most strategic plans are not strategic. The term has been coined over the years from planning (a concept which has been around since the beginning of business) and strategy (which is a more recent concept), and it has now become ‘fashionable’ to talk about strategic planning. But Kevin argues that most strategic planning is simply planning.

For Kevin, a plan is a more of a step-by-step implementation process, while a strategy is about working out how to create superior returns over the long-term compared with our competitors – and this requires critical thinking and risk-taking. Strategy is working out where we want to play and how we ‘play to win’ whereas planning is more about ‘playing the game’. Most so-called ‘strategic planning’ is based on ‘this is what we did last year, how do we do a bit more next year?’

In this interview, Kevin explains the differences between a plan and a strategy, as well as the ways in which businesses can strategize effectively to achieve success.

In simple terms, what is the difference between a plan and a strategy?

‘A plan is straightforward; it requires a step-by-step process, which is outlined logically with expected outcomes. For example, implementing a new companywide CRM is a plan, as it requires research and then action, however, it’s not an overall strategy. Implementing a CRM could be a component of a more encompassing strategy to create a competitive advantage by being more in tune with our customer needs than our competition.

‘Strategy requires critical thinking and analysis in order to develop what we believe to be our best route to long term success. Unlike a plan, the outcomes of a strategy cannot be guaranteed as, almost by definition, strategy contains uncertainties. Therefore, when executing a strategy, it’s important to be able to adapt for when things don’t quite work out as hoped!

What do you mean by competitive advantage and how do we go about creating it?

Essentially strategy is about creating superior returns over time and comes down to two fundamental decisions: ‘where are we going to compete’ and ‘how do we play to win’. In MBA speak, the first is our Participation Strategy, and the second our Positioning Strategy. So what markets are we going to focus on where we think we stand the most chance of doing well, and then within those markets, how are we going to position ourselves to outperform the competition – in other words how do we create a sustainable competitive advantage?

We can do that it one of two ways; either find ways to make our product or service ‘better’ than the competition (this is an ‘Offer’ advantage and should enable us to either charge the customer a premium and/ or enable us to grow faster than the competition) and/ or find ways to be more efficient than our competition (this is a ‘Cost’ advantage and should enable us to make more profit than our competition at the same price to the customer). So in order to succeed in the long-term, we need to be clear about our Participation and our Positioning Strategies – and then develop a supporting plan to implement those strategies.

What are the benefits of implementing a strategic approach in business?

‘Robust strategic thinking can be hugely beneficial; it can set a business aside from its competition and significantly increase the chances of long term success.

‘Building on the idea of creating a competitive advantage, one of our most recent simple examples of combining a premium service with creating a ‘Cost’ advantage can be illustrated with a cleaning company️ that we recently worked with. This company is an exterior cleaning company, and they were frustrated that one particular type of job took a long time setting up and packing away after, meaning that they could only fit in a certain number of jobs each day – limiting the profit they could make on it. However, by recognising and thinking this through, they identified and invested in in new technologies, and they were able to reduce set-up time from one hour to only ten minutes. This resulted in the company being able to take on far more jobs and gave them a competitive advantage – most other companies were not able to invest in similar equipment. They could either charge the same as their competitors while doing more jobs than them, or to maximise job opportunities, they had the option to charge slightly less than their competitors while maintaining a really good margin. This is just one example of how strategic planning can allow a company to change their position within their industry.’

Would you say strategic planning leads to Blue Ocean Thinking?

‘Strategic planning can often lead to Blue Ocean thinking, which refers to a process of thinking that allows businesses to explore new markets with no or limited competition, so that they can introduce new products to the market and dominate a large market share. A true Blue Ocean strategy would effectively create a new market where you are the only option, rather than competing against others.

‘Tech giants such as Facebook and Google can be seen as some of the biggest companies that have grown as a result of blue ocean thinking. They decided to do something completely different from their competitors and develop new markets, this allowed them to establish themselves within their sector and take up a large proportion of the market even later down the line. This all started with strategic thinking, analysing company strengths, and considering the risks and the different outcomes.’

We hear a lot about disruptors and essentially good strategic planning involves looking for ways to do things differently and find ways to disrupt the ‘norm’. Sometimes this can be a major disruption linking in with Blue Ocean thinking, more often it is around smaller (but significant) ways to create a competitive advantage.

How can businesses start thinking strategically?

‘Figures suggest that only 4% of UK businesses successfully scale beyond a £1 million turnover mark and exceed past 10 employees, meaning many will struggle to break out of the micro-business category. This is because many businesses only implement a plan that will marginally increase their sales and profits.

‘Strategy is more fundamental and significant. Strategy is about working out how to create superior returns over the long-term compared with the competition – and this requires critical thinking and risk-taking. Strategy is working out where we want to play and how we ‘play to win’ whereas planning is more about ‘playing the game’.

‘To start, businesses need to analyse themselves internally to think about their core values and their core competencies – what they are great at. Business leaders need to think about their participation strategy which decides the markets they are going to compete in – are they going for a competitive oversaturated market? Or will they try and tap into something new, that could be more difficult to start up but more profitable in the long run?
‘Businesses need to understand their competencies and how they can outperform any potential competitors.

This will help when considering their positioning strategy, what will the company offer that is different from the competition? Are they going to present themselves as a premium service or product that can charge more that the competition, or are they going to focus on internal efficiencies to improve their ‘cost’ position?

Thinking in this way will improve the decision making in the business and open up new opportunities to make step changes in the business and increase the overall chance of long-term success.

Kevin Brent, Founder of BizSmart®

BizSmart® Success Stories

First Five Months as a Franchise Owner

March 22, 2023
Interview with Luke Townsend discussing the first five months as a franchise owner and how following a proven system helps to establish a franchise
BizSmart® Videos
BizSmart® Franchisees | What We Do

BizSmart® Franchisees | What We Do

A snapshot of the work done by BizSmart® Franchisees.
BizSmart® on Franchises

BizSmart® on Franchises

Kevin Brent, BizSmart® Founder & MD, discusses the company's business and franchise model.
BizSmart® | Feedback

BizSmart® | Feedback

Business owners give their feedback the final session of one of BizSmart®'s core programmes.
BizSmart® First Franchisee

BizSmart® First Franchisee

Listen to Granger Forson talk about his decision to invest in the BizSmart® opportunity and his journey to becoming a franchisee.
BizSmart® | CEO Meets

BizSmart® | CEO Meets

Pip Wilkins, Chief Executive of the British Franchise Association sits down with Kevin Brent, Founder and MD of BizSmart®, to discuss the discuss the business and the franchise opportunities.
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Opportunities available across the UK
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